my stuff

Hey, what do you think you're doing?! go away. this part of my page is restricted. ok... I take that back, but remember: if anybody asks, YOU WERE NEVER HERE. YOU DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING. bye now....


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my stuff
Anti-Christian Theory
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This is one of the thousands of pictures I drew. Aside from cats, the wolf is my favorite animal. I think it's because I can relate to them... nevermind that.

The heart of the beast now beats
Now in the light of the moon.
The shape of the beast takes form
Now in the light of the moon.
The eyes of the beast shine bright
Now in the light of the moon.
The fangs of the beast seek blood
Now in the light of the moon.
The senses of the beast are sharp
Now in the light of the moon.
The legs of the beast run fast
Now in the light of the moon.
The soul of the beast runs free
Now in the light of the moon.
The howl of the beast strikes fear
Now in the light of the moon.
I am this beast of the night
Now in the light of the moon.